From Crisis to Connection: Tony Overbay - Protecting your marriage in a faith crisis (part 1) - Episode 93
May 21, 2021
I'm joined by therapist and fellow podcaster, Tony Overbay, to talk about how couples can stay connected to each other when one partner leaves the shared faith. This is typically a crisis that is difficult for most couples to navigate, as a departure from the beliefs and values that brought them together can cause new questions and fears about their future.
In this episode, we discuss:
Why it's called a faith crisis
Why this is so difficult for couples
The first thing couples should know if one of them begins to experience this
The healthiest way for the one struggling with their faith to address their change
How the other spouse can respond in a healthy way
How couples can work together even though they're going different directions.
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About Tony:
Tony Overbay is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (CA LMFT#92443), a Certified Mindful Habit Coach (CMHC), and a popular motivational speaker. Tony regularly speaks at corporate training events, schools, and churches in formal and casual settings mixing humor, clinical experience, his Christian faith, and a wealth of personal stories gleaned from years of helping others achieve their goals.
Once a promising baseball prospect (his high school coach once called Tony the “best bad ball hitter he had ever seen!), Tony was run over by a 28-foot dual-prop ski boat shortly after his senior year of high school on a trip with friends to Lake Powell, Utah, both of his legs receiving significant damage from the prop of the boat. Tony still carries the scars from the prop some 30 years later. Tony was told that he would regain the ability to walk, but that he would never be able to run quickly, or for distance, as an adult. The accident halted Tony’s baseball career, but it set him on a path that eventually led him to creating The Path Back. Tony spent 10 years as a software executive traveling the world presenting at conferences and trade shows and eventually started several of his own companies in industries from computer hardware, health and beauty, and nuts and bolts (literally!).
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