From Crisis to Connection: Kristin Andrus - Creating an intentional life - Episode 92
May 13, 2021
What can someone who appears to have "arrived" teach us about living intentionally in the face of opposition? My guest on this episode is Kristin Andrus and she says that when we get focused on the destination as our source of happiness, we miss out on the gifts that journey offers us every single day.
In this episode we discuss:
Why the journey is actually the destination
How doing the next right thing is more important than fixating only on the outcome
How to influence the culture in your home for good
What it means to be intentional in your areas of influence
The importance of intentionally taking care of yourself physically (sleep, exercise, eating)
The need to watch out for yourself and making sure your needs are met so you can care for others.
How can all do something with what we have
Follow Kristin in Instagram @kristinandrus
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Kristin Andrus is the Chief Culture Officer in her home to six children. She is very involved in teaching classes, creating content, and working with Traeger Grills Culinary partners. She is often featured on Studio 5 cooking segments ranging from weekday dinners to entertaining, and always sharing her tips and tricks around the kitchen. Kristin loves creating workouts on her YouTube channel that get women moving and weight training in the comfort of their own homes. Kristin has shifted from a food blogger on Instagram to sharing more ideas on family, faith, and doing good in the community. Her goal is to provide value and inspiration to women and help them thrive rather than just survive. She is very involved with the Ronald McDonald house, Midvale family shelter, and the Utah Refugee connection. She is a board member of the Hope Squad working on suicide prevention in Utah schools.
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