From Crisis to Connection: Reach 10 - How a group of young adults are changing the conversation around sex and shame - Episode 83
Mar 11, 2021
Today’s young adults in their 20s were born as the Internet was gaining momentum. They’ve never known what it’s like to live life offline. Some have described them as the first digital natives. They also are also the first generation who were able to stream pornographic videos before they even had their first kiss.
This cohort of adults have heard the porn lectures since they were teens and many of them know it’s a problem, but the big question of “now what?” leaves many of them without answers.
Vauna Davis is my guest today and she noticed that young people needed more resources to help support each other since they were all swimming in the same polluted waters.
She was the former executive director for the Utah Coalition Against Pornography and noticed a lack of resources specifically aimed at helping young adults know how to navigate these conversations amongst themselves. At the end of every UCAP conference, the president of UCAP, Pamela Atkinson, would invite the audience to share what they had learned with 10 people. Vauna ran with this invitation and started a non-profit called “Reach 10”.
They reach out in two primary ways: We reach out online We create and share resources on our website and social media that help young adults and those who love them talk about pornography in more compassionate and effective ways. We reach out live In our community surrounding Provo, UT, we bring young adults together and train them to speak on this issue, then help them find opportunities to teach.
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