From Crisis to Connection: Amy Cluff - Staying emotionally healthy during a pandemic - Episode 54
Mar 14, 2020
How do we stay emotionally healthy in the midst of a global pandemic? In this special episode, I team up with Amy Cluff, a therapist who specializes in working with betrayal trauma and child/family therapy, to talk about specific ways we can all maintain our emotional health when facing these unprecedented global fears and uncertainties.
We also address the specific concerns for those who are actively working a recovery process from pornography/sexual addiction and betrayal trauma and how they can stay healthy in their own recoveries as they deal with these unexpected and overwhelming challenges.
Regardless of whether or not you're dealing with an addiction or betrayal trauma, this episode will give you actionable and specific things you can begin doing to help you respond in healthier ways.
Geoff has also created audio and video courses to help support individuals and couples in marriage, addiction, and betrayal trauma recovery at
FREE: 3 Steps to End Your Marriage Argument
Download my free PDF guide and start making real progress to healing
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