From Crisis to Connection: Kurt Francom - What every leader needs to know about pornography - Episode 43
Oct 30, 2019
What are the most important things we should know when working with individuals impacted by pornography and betrayal trauma? A popular Latter-day Saint podcaster assembled over 20 presenters in a virtual conference to support those who minister to men and women affected by pornography addiction. In this episode Kurt Francom, founder of the Leading Saints podcast, shares what he learned after interviewing 23+ therapists, recovering addicts, betrayed partners, parenting experts, recovery coaches, church leaders, and advocates for his Liberating Saints Virtual Summit. He created this summit as a go-to resource for any spiritual leader, family member, or loved one who wants to learn more about how to minister to those impacted by pornography and betrayal trauma.
We discuss what he learned on the topics of:
* Identifying and working with shame
* Helping betrayed spouses
* Disclosing secrets
You can watch three of the presentations for free at:
Geoff has also created audio and video courses to help support individuals and couples in marriage, addiction, and betrayal trauma recovery at
FREE: 3 Steps to End Your Marriage Argument
Download my free PDF guide and start making real progress to healing
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