From Crisis to Connection: Dr. Dean Busby - A better way to teach your kids about sex - Episode 27
Dec 22, 2018
The ways we've attempted talking to our kids about sex often leave everyone feeling uncomfortable and fearful. The focus is often on what NOT to do instead of teaching joyful truths about bodies, relationships, and bonding.
In this episode, I interview Dr. Dean Busby, the director of the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University, who is one of four co-authors of the new book, "A Better Way to Teach Kids About Sex".
In this episode, we discuss:
- How to move past setting up "the talk" and, instead, helping your child feel comfortable talking about sex, sexuality, bodies, and relationships in a loving and safe relationship.
- How this conversation can help prepare your child to have these same kinds of conversations down the road with their future spouse.
- The myth that talking about sexuality encourages sexual behavior
- Why ignorance around sexuality is no longer bliss...especially in today's world.
- How to promote healthy attitudes around sexuality so our kids are comfortable discussing these topics in the future in their own marriage and family.
- Why traditional metaphors around sex are a poor substitute for more direct conversation and can actually do more harm than good.
- How we can develop a more playful and joyful attitude about sexuality without being inappropriate.
You can purchase the book "A Better Way to Teach Kids About Sex" here:
Dean M. Busby is the director of the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University. Recently he has been teaching the healthy sexuality in marriage course at BYU. His research has garnered university and national awards and been funded by federal and state grants and has been presented to scholarly and lay audiences around the world.
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