From Crisis to Connection: Thomas 2.0 - From Dark to Light: One man's recovery from pornography and lust - Episode 106

from crisis to connection podcast Aug 19, 2021

After 30 years of addiction to pornography and lust, Thomas began a recovery journey that began five years and continues to this day. In this episode, he shares his story and the recovery principles that are creating healing for himself and his marriage.

We discuss: 
An overview of his personal recovery and marital healing
What has helped his wife in her healing from betrayal trauma
How they are helping others along the way, especially teenagers who struggle

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Thomas's life has taken a 180 degree turn since going into recovery from a thirty-year addiction to pornography that started when he was eight years old. His story told in Dark to Light gives hope that it is possible to escape from the dark trap of pornography and live in the light—free from lies, shame, and lust. Thomas hopes that sharing his journey will help others to enter the path of light in order to heal their lives and relationships.

​Why 2.0?  After beginning recovery Thomas started to feel like a different man. He began to loathe who he had been for thirty plus years.  He really wanted to change—and he was changing. His wife began to feel like she was married to a new man. She was done with Thomas 1.0 and the damage he had caused, and she noticed he was becoming less and less like that old guy. He was becoming Thomas 2.0—a new and better version.

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